About Us

WE ARE...The Association for Women in Sports Media student chapter at Penn State! AWSM helps advance women's careers in the sports media industry through professional networking opportunities.

Our Mission

1. Serve as a positive advocate for women in sports media by offering support, mentoring and networking services as well as national visibility.

​2. Serve as a watchdog, promoting fair portrayal of female professionals in sports media, encouraging diversity, positive workplace environments and equal access to opportunities.

​3. Mentor and assist college women interested in pursuing careers in sports media through internships and scholarships, student chapters and networking events.

Our chapter meets bi-weekly with industry professionals to talk about everything from their careers to their best advice for college students and beyond. We also meet regularly as a chapter for bonding activities. In Fall 2023, we hosted Donuts with the Dean, Apple Picking, Friendsgiving and Gingerbread House Decorating. Our club members encompass Communications majors such as PR, Journalism and Telecommunications. 

Each year, our executive board gets to travel to the AWSM National Convention to hear from and network with some of the industry's top professionals. This year, AWSM will hold its 2024 convention and our executive team cannot wait!